Motor Vehicles

Motor Vehicles

Safe use and storage of motor vehicles is everyone’s responsibility.


Section 11-1-2

Motorcycles cannot be operated upon public sidewalks or pedestrian walkways in parks, or in any public grounds except on roadways.

Section 11-9-2

No person shall operate a snowmobile in any public grounds or upon any public street, roadway, or alley within the city limits.


Section 11-6-10

No one may park a vehicle, whether attended or unattended: on a sidewalk or boulevard between a sidewalk and a roadway; within 5 feet of any public or private driveway; in a crosswalk or within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. Refer to the ordinance for additional conditions.

Section 11-6-28

Certain areas have parking restrictions which are marked by signs, parking meters, etc. In areas without specific limitations, vehicles cannot be parked for more than 24 consecutive hours.

Section 11-6-12 (c)

Parking in the unpaved portion of a front yard in a residential neighborhood is not permitted.

Off-Street Parking

63.455 Subd. 2 (Rochester Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Manual

Off-street parking spaces may be located on a lot according to the rules provided. In a Residential District: A. In the rear yard and in the Core Neighborhood – Neighborhood Residential District at-grade, unstructured, off-street parking areas may be located in the rear yard if situated so as to be separated from the dwelling on the lot and any side lot line shared with another residential use by at least 6 feet.

63.126 E (Rochester Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Manual)

No fence, wall or hedge shall be placed closer than ten feet to the intersection of a driveway with any right of way used for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, including alleys.

Obstructing Fire Lanes & Hydrants
Section 11-6-10

Obstruction of the fire department and fire department equipment is prohibited, including blocking or parking in fire lanes and obstructing a fire hydrant with snow or shrubbery.

Certain Types of Vehicles
Section 11-6-23

The following vehicles shall not be parked on any street or alley for more than one hour: Trucks of capacity more than 3/4 ton; trucks or “motor Homes” having an overall length of more than 20 feet; dump trucks; tractors; truck-tractors; trailers; boats and boat trailers; semi-trailers; recreation vehicles (RV’s), advertising or livestock vehicles or any heavy machinery.

Certain Types of Vehicles
Section 11-6-23

The following vehicles shall not be parked on any street or alley for more than one hour: Trucks of capacity more than 3/4 ton; trucks or “motor Homes” having an overall length of more than 20 feet; dump trucks; tractors; truck-tractors; trailers; boats and boat trailers; semi-trailers; recreation vehicles (RV’s), advertising or livestock vehicles or any heavy machinery.

Recreational Vehicles
62.278 subd. 9 (Rochester Zoning Ordinance and Land Development Manual

Recreational vehicles (RV’s) may be parked in the rear yard. If the RV is less than 18 feet in length and 7 feet in height it may be parked in a side yard on a hard surface adjacent to the driveway. If the RV is over 18 feet in length or 7 feet in height, it can be parked on the driveway but there must be 20 feet between curb and the vehicle.

Snow Emergency
Chapter 11-8

On occasion a snow emergency may be declared. Please do not park your vehicle on the public streets until they have been plowed.

Inoperable or Junked Motor Vehicles
Section 7-3-22

Motor vehicles in an open area on residential property must have current legal license plates, all essential parts that would make it operative and must not be rusted, wrecked, or partially dismantled.

No Current Plates
62.278 subd. 9

Vehicles or trailers without current legal license plates on residential property must be stored or parked in a completely closed building.

Unsheltered Storage
Section 8-3-5 (b)

Except for junk or salvage yards, the unsheltered storage of old, unused, or stripped automobiles, machinery, implements, junk, or personal property no longer safely usable is considered a nuisance.

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