Open House

Open House


RNeighbors would like to show off our new office space! We’ve moved locations to the 125 Live building, 125 Elton Hills Drive NW. Join us for a community open house on Thursday, November 30, 7-9 am. Get a look at our office, tour the 125 Live building, learn some of things we’ve been working with neighborhoods on in 2017 and give us feedback on what you’d like RNeighbors to work on in the year to come.

Since the City began the nonprofit organization in 2001, the Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center, RNeighbors, has been located at the United Way, Hawthorne Literacy Center, Massey Building mezzanine, Kings Row strip mall, Olmsted County 1421 building before settling at this city-owned location with other community-focused organizations at 125 Live, such as the Senior Center.

RNeighbors, the Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center, uses neighborhood connections to be proactive on livability issues. It’s all about the power of people working together for a common good.

For additional information contact René Halasy, RNeighbors Executive Director via email.

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