2010 Pond and Garden Tour

2010 Pond and Garden Tour

This year’s Rochester Pond and Garden Tour was another beautiful success thanks to neighbors, volunteers and creative designers. The Pond and Garden Tour has always been a unique way to bring people out. The self guided tour featured beautiful plants, graceful waterfalls and creative decorative ideas. It was a great way for people to gather new ideas and green practices to put into their own landscapes. All in all, there were around 150 different sites that people could visit on their own. Guests used a map which featured the sites to self guide through the city.  All profits were donated to RNeighbors. Thanks to all who came out to help to make it a success! Also, a big thanks to our sponsers:

•KAAL News

•Rochester Women Magazine


•Whitewater Gardens


•A.D. Drumm Images, LLC

•Squadron 7

•Christine’s Landscape Design

•Sargent’s Gardens


•Herring Interior Design

•Maier Forest and Tree

•Family Tree Landscape Nursery

•Thatcher Pools and Spas


•Johnny Mango Cabernet Catering



•Custom Retaining Walls

•Perennial Barn Landscape Nursery

There are a few posted pictures on our facebook page.

Visit the Offical Pond and Garden Tour site here.

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