2022 Strategic DEI Planning

2022 Strategic DEI Planning

As with many organizations and institutions across the country, COVID had a large effect on RNeighbors, causing a lack of volunteer engagement and limited neighborhood activity across Rochester.

In 2022 RNeighbors has attempted to rebuild relationships and listen to neighborhoods.

RNeighbors utilized United Way Micro-grant funding to work with Julie Brock Consulting to guide us through a six-month strategic planning process focusing on equity practices. This journey included planning meetings, two focus groups, an on-line survey, and several Board sessions to discuss and finalize a 3-year strategic plan with equity imbedded. Conversations were based around Lego builds.

From the neighborhood leader session, burnout, cynicism, and frustration were expressed among many neighborhood associations. Requests included RNeighbors to serve in a bridge-building capacity between neighborhoods, as well as between city departments and neighborhoods. Resources such assistance with branding, bylaws, bank accounts, and websites were requested.

In addressing equity specifically, neighborhoods said they have positive stories to hear, and want RNeighbors to serve as a storyteller for the public. Feedback was listened to and incorporated into four Strategic Priorities.

Strategic Priorities

  1. Establish and maintain neighbor connections that nurture a sense of community for residents
  2. Advocate for neighborhood health, wellness, and safety
  3. Capture and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of neighborhoods
  4. Bolster RNeighbors infrastructure to be poised for growth

Guided by these Priorities the RNeighbors’ board and staff will create strategies, metrics, and actions for the next three years. We are excited and energized by the plans and possibilities for Rochester neighborhoods.

Thank you for all who have given their input and helped in this process.

Although the pandemic was a rough spot in our history, RNeighbors will continue our mission of empowering citizen leaders to create sustainable neighborhood networks.

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