Cascade Creek Litter and Wader Walk

Cascade Creek Litter and Wader Walk

Saturday, October 13, 2012

10 am to 12 pm

Kutzky Park Neighborhood Association

If litter attracts litter then let’s keep it at bay by picking up when and where we can.  Many hands make light work.

Meet at the Kutzky Park Pavilion at 10 AM.  This is a 2 hour event.  If after the litter walk, you wish to mingle and socialize, we will be having lunch together at Perkins in the sun room.  Food is on your own. 

Bring several garbage bags.  Put on gloves.  And if you have them, bring your waders.  Our creek, our park, and our multiple foot and street bridges need our attention one last time before the snow falls.

If it rains, the event will be canceled but don’t let that stop you from getting out with your family and friends on another day.

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