National Night Out 2009

National Night Out 2009

P8040647webOn the evening of August 4th, neighborhoods across Rochester gathered to celebrate National Night Out, a program that was started to heighten crime awareness and raise neighborhood spirits. One hundred NNO events were registered in Olmsted County, with an estimated 22,000 people attended.

In Rochester, many of the neighborhood parties began early in the day, with Chalk the Block events. During Chalk the Block (an RNeighbors partership with Summer of Service), local neighborhood kids gathered to add some color to the location of their neighborhood parties. In the Folwell neighborhood alone there were over 40 kids who participated.

P8040754webThe National Night Out events offered a wide range of activities and events to encourage neighbors to get to know one another. There was plenty of food, music, entertainment, and kids activities. At the Folwell Neighborhood party a fire truck and crew was present to meet the neighborhood kids, much to their excitement. National Night Out is a great way for neighbors to communicate and get to know each other; helping to reduce crime and increase safety in their areas; while also giving neighbors a night of fun and relaxation. RNeighbors is proud to be a part of such an important event for neighborhoods.

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