Neighbors for Safety

Neighbors for Safety

The Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood Association is one of the founding members of this collaborative effort to address Rochester’s public safety concerns.

The Neighbors for Safety (NSF) group, headed by Joe Powers, Canadian Honker owner and RNeighbors executive director, Rene Lafflam now boasts several members and organizations, including the Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood Association.

In a nutshell, we have been successful in our combined efforts to address part of Rochester’s public safety concerns but more needs to be done.

We once again need input and support from the public to address significant collateral public safety concerns such as city ordinances, landlord issues, court backlog, criminal justice issues, crime prevention, establishment of citizen advisory council etc.. So mark your calendars for Tuesday April 20, 6:30 PM at the Rochester International Event Center, 7333 Airport View Dr. SW.

There will be informational booths and presentations as well as plenty of opportunities for input and feedback with NSF members and local officials.

For more information contact Mike at 244-1898 or at

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