New Grounds for Coffee and Conversation

New Grounds for Coffee and Conversation

Last year, a Rochester Chapter of the Citizens League was formed by merging two local organizations.  Coffee & Conversation, of which RNeighbors was a partner in, was one of those organizations. Coffee & Conversation had been providing forums for Rochester citizens since 2004.  Perhaps you attended one or more of those forums?

Now the Citizens League Rochester is interested in talking with those who have attended our events over the last several years. We need your advice so we can plan events that meet your interests and provide an opportunity for meaningful conversations between citizens and with elected officials.

Please come and have cup of coffee and a roll on Saturday morning, December 4th.  Be prepared to tell us what we can do to create events that you will enjoy.  What topics are of interest to you?  When is the best time to schedule community conversations?  Do you like to have elected officials attend?  What does it take to have a meaningful conversation about the issues with people of divergent views? 

Help us create New Grounds for Coffee & Conversation

Saturday, December 4

9 – 11 am

RCTC Heintz Center Commons

946 College View Road SE

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