RLuau 2010

RLuau 2010


RLuau. Where else can you get a dance lesson from a former Mayor, watch a tree hula, enjoy a match of Neighborhood Feud led by City Council President, listen to tunes from a band named after wild onions, run into a pirate, and do it all to support Rochester neighborhoods?

RNeighbors sailed into its fourth annual RLuau fundraiser on Friday, September 17. The Rochester International Event Center was transformed into a tropical paradise complete with palm trees, Hawaiian shirts, grass skirts and floral leis.  

Emceed by “Big Mark Clark” of Laser 101.7, over 300 friends and neighbors gathered to celebrate Rochester neighborhoods.  Melodies from The Nodding Wild Onions set the neighborly atmosphere and the tropical menu was reminiscent of the Hawaiian Islands. Hula lessons were given by the former Mayor Chuck Hazama with the graceful assistance of dancers from the Rochester International Dance Studio and ungraceful assistance from the RNeighborWoods tree.

Neighborhood representatives participated in a good natured Neighborhood Feud game led by City Council President Hanson. The winning team took home flamingo trophies.

Pirate Captain Nowicki peddled parrot pins to the crowd and the silent auction consisted of an array of hand crafted items, good eats and gift certificates donated by neighborhood members, Rochester businesses and organizations.

Funds raised will be used to supplement the RNeighbors budget, allowing the nonprofit to continue providing resources for neighborhoods through collaborative efforts that allow neighbors to build positive relationships. 

Thanks to the city leaders, neighbors, entertainers and sponsors who all played a part in making the 2010 RLuau a colorful and neighborly evening for all. Photos from the event are posted on the RNeighbors facebook page.

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Palm Tree Sponsors

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