Fall 2010 RNeighborWoods Tree Grant

Fall 2010 RNeighborWoods Tree Grant

Congratulations to the Homestead Neighborhood for being the winners of the tree grant for fall of 2010. 

Their neighborhood came together on October 9, 2010 at 9 am and planted 20 new trees.

Here’s text from their grant appliation: “Our neighborhood was established in the 1940’s and is a small quiet neighborhood tucked between OMC hospital, Homestead park and the RCTC campus nature preserve. Our neighborhood is aging, and much of our tree stock is reaching the end of it’s life. Dutch elm disease has killed many of our largest trees, and EAB is a concern of many because of the high number of ash trees concentrated on our boulevards. We would like to be part of the movement that begins to replace and diversify our tree stock to avoid a future loss of many of the same species before EAB has claimed our ash trees. We value trees in our neighborhood, many of our neighbors were drawn to this neighborhood simply because of the established trees that line the streets and parks.”

Trees provide numerous environmental benefits such as lower crime, cleaner air, energy savings, more public revenue, higher property values, and more efficient stormwater management.

RNeighborWoods offers a tree grant annually every fall and spring.  Keep your eyes open if you’re interested in the spring 2011 tree grant.  This fall we had a record number of very qualified applicants.  We would love to see continuation of the same amount of enthusiasm!

For more information about what is needed to apply please visit:  http://www.rneighbors.org/?p=4062

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