Letter to Rochester Neighborhood Leaders – Fall 2013

Letter to Rochester Neighborhood Leaders – Fall 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hello Neighborhood Leaders,

We hope this letter is finding you in good health and enjoying the start of the autumn season.

RNeighbors has come a long way from 1996 when a Mayor’s Advisory Council on Neighborhoods was assembled to determine how to provide resources to neighbors. Unlike some cities that have a department of neighborhoods, RNeighbors was created as a nonprofit to promote neighborhood volunteerism, contributing to socially connected and active neighborhoods.

As Rochester grows, RNeighbors’ future is to continue to provide resources that promote neighborhood networks while nurturing a safe, healthy and livable community.  As the RNeighbors Board of Directors, we would like to update you on our newly adopted “Neighborhood Guidelines” which were updated from discussions with neighborhood leaders and reviewed by the City Council.

Whether your neighborhood association began out of concerns in your area or to simply foster positive social connections with neighbors, we hope these guidelines will provide constructive tips on how to work together with your neighborhood, the needs you will have as Rochester changes, and how RNeighbors can assist.

A registered neighborhood association should:

  • Contain only one registered neighborhood association per geographic boundary.
  • Consist of at least 100 residents within established boundaries that do not isolate households or businesses.
  • Strive to have a leadership group that reflects the diversity of their part of the city. This includes, but is not limited to, age, gender, political persuasion, and/or culture. It is suggested that board members include representatives from all areas of the neighborhood.
  • Maintain a current copy of bylaws on file with RNeighbors.
  • Conduct itself in a manner which reflects the positive community building of RNeighbors. Attempt to be receptive to all viewpoints, as they are representative of a portion of your neighborhood. There is strength in a broad all‐encompassing focus. Examples of this include keeping personal and political opinions out of neighborhood meeting business and printed materials.
  • Present an annual update to the RNeighbors Board on your association’s accomplishments, challenges, and how RNeighbors can assist.

RNeighbors continues to partner with local groups to unify the community, provide you support, and work on projects that benefit Rochester’s neighborhoods.  Our board looks forward to working with your neighborhood and hearing an annual update on the triumphs and struggles in your neighborhood.

This fall is busy at RNeighbors with a fall Citizen Forester Training and Neighborhood Tree Grant Planting in the Historic Southwest neighborhood on Saturday, September 21, the Community Tree Planting in the Kutzky Park neighborhood on September 28, and our upcoming fundraiser, OAKtoberfest on October 4.  We hope you are finding time to focus on community building in your neighborhoods and we look forward to being a resource and working with you in the future.

Kind Regards,

RNeighbors Board Members

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